Monday, May 25, 2015

The Offspring Children of Cain Book 2 Review

From the books Amazon page:

A murder behind her and the wilderness before her, friendless witch Gwenevere flees to survive. Yet Mother Nature is not kind and even Gwen’s magical gifts can’t save her from a deadly winter storm. Narrowly escaping death, she is rescued by an unlikely hero and taken into the shelter of a mythical realm. Has Gwen at long last found her own kind? Will she finally solve the mystery to her own identity, or her mother’s murder? Or is innocence blinding her to the true reality of this dark sanctuary?

My Thoughts:

Again with this book I do want to point out there are some things that some people may not be mature enough to read.

That being said, it's better than the first! Gwen gets rescued from a winter storm while she is in the middle of a forest and finds more of the children of Cain. She starts learning about her people, and the other children of Cain. I can't go into much detail with out giving too much away, but it's more action packed than the first book!

You meet a whole new variety of characters and learn some information about the children of Cain and where they came from. You will not be able to put this book down, I promise.

It is $0.99 for the e-book and $15.91 with free shipping if you have Prime for the paper back

**I received this product free in exchange for my unbiased review. I was not compensated for my review and all my opinions are my own. One may or may not have the same results as myself when using this product. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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